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Control of an SOFTmatics Gripper (ROS Noetic)

Description: This tutorial assumes that you have a SOFTmatics Gripper. The Gripper should be connected to a network, which has been properly configured.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER


This tutorial assumes that you have a SOFTmatics Gripper. The Gripper should be connected to a network, which has been properly configured.

To be able to send signals for opening and closing the solenoid valve, the sketch.ino have to be uploaded to the Arduino board beforehand.

$ roslaunch roslaunch softmatics_device trigger.launch

ROS Service to execute Grasp/Release of SOFTmatics Gripper

Run the SOFTmatics Gripper Driver Node

The Gripper is driven by the node "trigger.py" contained in the package "softmatics_device".

For example, the driver for controlling a SOFTmatics Gripper is launched using the following command:

$ roslaunch roslaunch softmatics_device trigger.launch

Then, you call the service "/softmatics_device/toggle" to turn on/off air supply as below.

$ rosservice call /softmatics_device/toggle

Wiki: softmatics/Tutorials/Control of an SOFTmatics Gripper (ROS Noetic) (last edited 2023-07-01 06:24:44 by TakuyaKiyokawa)